Friday, January 5, 2007

Check out these Awesome and Excellent "Classical Music Podcast Series" from the United States

I thought I would draw your attention to these awesome "Classical Music Podcast Series" which are available free to download from.

They are respectively:

1. WGBH Classical Music Podcasts from WGBH Radio in Boston which is updated every week.

2. Classical Music Podcast Series from the Isabella Gardner Museum in Boston also free to download to your IPOD or PC as the case may be.

3. Classical Music on the Net from "The Carnegie Mellon University Orchestra".

Here are the Links, if you wish to check them out.

I am so happy that these "Classical Music Podcast Series" have been made available.

P.S. -- This will be a feature of this Blog, to post Links to Awesome and Unique "Classical Music Podcast" Series from the United States as well as from Western Europe.

I will also be featuring on this Blog "Free Recordings" of certain Composers who are being celebrated in Europe on ocassion of their birth or death anniversary as was the case in 2006 with the 250th birth Anniversary of Mozart and the 150th Death Anniversary of Robert Schumann another awesome Composer from the 19th Century.

Belated Greetings for the New Year and Check out this Awesome Sacred Music Internet Broadcast

Belated Greetings for the New Year 2007, to all my Blogger Catholic Friends and Supporters whereever they may be.

This was recently brought to my attention that there is a "Unique and Awesome Catholic Internet Station" that is streaming "Sacred Classical Music" of various composers 24-7.

I think this is really great that the works of various composers of "Orchestral Masses and Motets" like Beethoven, Mozart, Palestrina, Josquin Des Prez, and Tomas Luis De Victoria to mention a few are being streamed whether partially or completely for the listening pleasure of souls all over the world.

Here are the Links if anyone is interested.

You can access it either through

or via Live365 at