Sunday, February 25, 2007

Awesome and Excellent Classical Music Blogs (Part 2)

Dear Friends,

Here are some more Classical Music Blogs which are truly out of this world.

My Apologies for my absence for quite some time.

Here they are.

Note: I particularly recommend checking out the Posts of the Blogger at "Opera Scherzo" on a daily or on a weekly basis.

He is upbeat, positive, and always on the money with regard to his posts.

His Blog I must say is also "fabulous" along with the other Blogs that i have already mentioned in an earlier post as well as in this post.

If I do come across any more excellent Classical Music Blogs, I will post them in Part 3 of this ongoing series.

Although, some of these Blogs are in Spanish -- i personally love them and have had no problems whatsoever in understanding their posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Dominic,

Thank you very much for writing such wonderful comments about my blog. I personally love yours too! I hope we can contribute to the general enjoyment of classical music and opera together. Keep up the good work!

Best of all, Alex.